What advice would you give kids trying to lead a healthier lifestyle?

Asked at Massachusetts Street on August 09, 2011

“I have seen the American habits. They eat kind of unhealthy and in really big portions. They should try to learn to make their own food and be careful about what they put in their stomach.”

“Don’t spend too much time on electronics. Don’t let the Internet ruin things for you. It’s OK sparingly but ... be outside and experience things from a young age.”

“Learn how to love things that are outside. There’s something to be said for going to the gym and working out but if you create habits when you’re little, (getting involved) in a sport or ... activity then it’s going to be easier for you to continue that when you’re older.”

“For kids to just play outside more. For parents to create more of a community within neighborhoods so kids are playing with each other outside and running around rather than inside playing video games and watching TV.”