What are you reading?

Asked at Hastings, 1900 W. 23rd St. on April 24, 2011

“’Rant’ by Chuck Palahniuk. It’s about time travel and it’s pretty confusing.”

“’Bluebeard’ by Kurt Vonnegut. It’s about an artist who’s a hermit and has a potato barn all locked up. It asks, what is art?”

“The Bible, the King James version. It’s a love story, it’s history. It lets your life be easier if you live it.”

“’The Screwtape Letters’ by C.S. Lewis. It’s written from the devil’s perspective to another demon, instructing him.”

“’Mallory’s Oracle’ by Carol O’Connell. It’s basically about a girl who’s a sociopath trying to solve her foster parents’ murder.”