Did your parents ration your Halloween candy?

Asked at Massachusetts Street on October 30, 2008

“Yes, of course. My sister and I would lay it all out and divide it evenly. Then we would trade for our favorites, but we could only have so much before we went to bed. It was supposed to last us until Thanksgiving.”

“Oh yeah, definitely. They took it away once I got home, and I would have to ask them if I wanted a piece. But it didn't scar me for life, so I'm passing the rule on to my two boys.”

“Yes, they did. They let us have whatever we wanted that night, but after that we could only have so many after dinner or on special occasions. Our candy lasted for a long time.”

“Oh yeah. I got to eat whatever I could Halloween night, but after that they took control. I usually only got to have some if I was well behaved.”