What are you reading?

“'Mount Dragon,' by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child. It's about a scientist at a research facility who is trying to come up with a flu vaccine, but realizes that it and another drug they are about to release could potentially kill off everyone.”

“I just finished re-reading a book called 'Indian Givers,' by Jack Weatherford. It's a history book about contributions of Native Americans to government, the political process, agriculture and everything else.”

“'Elantris,' by Brandon Sanderson. It's about a cursed prince who wakes up dead.”

“'Pain Free,' by Peter Egoscue and Roger Gittines. It's about dealing with pain through exercise.”

“'The Story of Edgar Sawtelle,' by David Wroblewski. It's the story of 'Hamlet' set in northern Wisconsin at a dog kennel. It's a fabulous story.”