How concerned are you about the current state of the economy?

Asked at Massachusetts Street on October 01, 2008

“I am concerned, but it's very difficult to know exactly how concerned I should be without knowing the big picture or how and when it's going to affect the middle class.”

“Oh, very concerned. I've had people come to me that worked for mortgage companies whose entire office was laid off on Friday, and they are asking for prayers and looking for a job. I have already seen it affecting how people are able to give to their churches and charities.”

“It's not a huge deal to me, but then again I don't have anything invested in the market. I'm just going to wait and see what happens beyond all the speculation.”

“It's definitely something to be concerned about for people in my generation who are going to be buying homes and having families soon. Right now it's just about loans, but soon it will be about jobs, pay and more common everyday things.”