What are you reading?

“'Secrets of the Millionaire Mind,' by T. Harv Eker. It's about different techniques and strategies millionaires use to invest their money.”

“Right now I'm reading 'Never Mind!: A Twin Novel,' by Avi and Rachel Vail. It's a novel about two twins who think they are nothing alike, but find out that they have more in common than they think.”

“'The Lost Art of Compassion,' by Lorne Ladner. It's about the Buddhist idea of compassion and how we can use Western psychology to explore it.”

“'The Subtle Knife,' by Philip Pullman, the author who wrote 'The Golden Compass.' This is the second book in the trilogy. It's about the existence of multiple worlds and the attempt to visit them through holes cut in time.”

“I just finished 'The Catcher in the Rye,' by J.D. Salinger. My teacher recommended it to me. It was very good. I really enjoyed it.”