Do you like the daylight-saving time change?

“I feel tired at first, but I like having the extra hour once I get used to it.”

“A little bit, but you get less sleep.”

“No, because it makes me get up too early.”

“No, not really. My family is all grumpy because they lose an hour of sleep. It makes me grumpy, too, so it messes us all up.”

“Oh yeah, it's awesome. It gives me more time to be playing basketball outside and more time to swim once the pool opens.”

“I don't really like it. I don't like to get up earlier. Once I get used to it though, I don't really notice the difference.”

“I do, a lot. I like getting up earlier, because I feel like I have more energy, and my sister sleeps in more, so that's less time I have to spend with her.”

“Sometimes. It's a little hard to wake up in the morning with an hour taken away, but you get used to it. Then you have more time to play sports in the afternoon.”