What are you reading?

“'You Can't Be Neutral on a Moving Train,' by Howard Zinn. He writes history from the point of view of the little people. I really enjoy all of his writing.”

“'Moneyball,' by Michael Lewis. It's about a general manager of the Oakland A's who brought about a new way to look at recruiting and running a major league team.”

“'A Widow for One Year,' by John Irving. It's about a middle-aged woman who's a successful novelist and her search for her mother.”

“'Eragon,' and the second book, 'Eldest,' by Christopher Paolini. They were both really good. But I watched the movie they made after I read them and didn't like it at all.”

“'The Privilege of Being a Woman,' by Alice Von Hildebrand. It's about being a woman in today's society and all of the wonderful privileges we enjoy. It's a really good book for men to read too”