What do you think about Anheuser-Busch being purchased by a foreign company?

Asked at Massachusetts Street on July 15, 2008

“I think it's un-American. In a day and age where everyone is looking for American products to be American-made, it's unfortunate. I guess now PBR will have to be the American beer of choice.”

“I think it's weird that it's not an American-owned brand anymore. Budweiser was always the all-American beer, and now it's not. It will take some getting used to.”

“I'm indifferent. It's not a product that I patronize. I think that it happens a lot more than we're made aware of. This is just a higher-profile company.”

“It's interesting because the Chrysler Building was just purchased by a foreign company as well, so it's kind of become a sign of the times. It can be a little scary.”