What are you reading?

“John Scalzi's 'The Android's Dream.' It's a futuristic sci-fi novel about a man searching for genetically engineered sheep to avoid an interspecies war with aliens.”

“'The Long Goodbye,' by Raymond Chandler. Like most of his stories, it kind of unfolds. The main character meets a man in a bar, one thing leads to another, and he ends up in search of a murderer.”

“'She's Come Undone,' by Wally Lamb. It's about a girl's struggle with her self-image, weight issues and learning to be comfortable with herself.”

“'Where's the Mango Princess?,' by Cathy Crimmins. It's about a man with a traumatic brain injury, and he and his wife battling their HMO to get the care he needs.”

“'The Evil that Men Do,' by Stephen Michaud and Roy Hazelwood, who was an FBI profiler, and it's a compilation of forensic cases that he worked on over the years.”