If they were going to add another president to Mount Rushmore, who do you think it should be?

Asked at Massachusetts Street on February 18, 2008

“Franklin Roosevelt. He came in at a difficult time and led us out of the Depression and a world war. He certainly did well with what he had to work with.”

“Kennedy is who first comes to mind. I think it's more because of the things he said and the causes he was active in. His speeches were all so full of inspiration, and I think he had a lot of integrity, even though he had his moments.”

“I'd probably go with Wilson. He tried to do an international peace conference that kind of led to the formation of the U.N. I think it was a vision that the world was getting smaller and more interactive and that something had to be done.”

“I think Hillary would deserve it if she wins. I think the election of a woman president would mark an important turning point in our history.”