Would you like to live to be 100?

Asked at Borders, 700 N.H. on February 12, 2008

“No. To be honest, after age 80 I think you kind of stop living and you're just trapped in your body. I want to enjoy my old age, but I don't want to drag things out or be a burden on anyone.”

“No. I would not like to live to see 100. I think even with today's technology, your quality of life is greatly reduced in your 80s and 90s - unless you're rich. I'd be happy to check out at 85.”

“If I'm in good health, don't rely on anyone for my care and was able to enjoy my life, then absolutely.”

“I imagine so. I've always been a bit of an optimist, and I would like to think that the state of the world will continue to improve. So I wouldn't mind being around to see it.”