What would you suggest to other students looking to lead a healthier lifestyle?

Asked at Haskell Indian Nations University on August 26, 2008

“Eat a healthy breakfast seven days a week, eat five servings of fruits and vegetables a day, only two hours or less of TV or Internet a day, at least one hour of exercise per day and zero sugar-sweetened drinks. Seven-five-two-one-zero. That's what I learned at the Alaska Native Medical Center.”

“Get involved in the activities and sports here. ... I've really enjoyed being involved with cheerleading, and I think physical fitness is very important. It makes you appreciate your body a lot more and helps you be more confident and outgoing.”

“Run, walk, work out at the gym. As long as they're finding some time in their day to exercise.”

“What got me started was training for a long distance relay, and now I'm working toward a half marathon. I also took the body weight control class last semester. It fills up pretty fast, but students should try to take it.”