Do you think lowering the drinking age would help solve the problem of binge drinking?

Asked at Massachusetts Street on August 20, 2008

“No. I think it's more of a cultural thing. As long as it is seen as the cool thing to do, changing the law isn't going to stop it.”

“Yeah, but it depends on how much you lower it. It won't be effective to simply lower it to 18. I think you would have to lower it to around 15, so that you are still under your parent's supervision when you gain access to it.”

“I do, because looking at other countries with lower drinking ages, it's not off-limits to them so they don't overindulge. It works extremely well abroad, so over time I think it would work here.”

“Yes. I think it would help because it wouldn't be seen as the forbidden fruit, and it would be a lot less tempting.”