Do you think there is a possibility that Bigfoot exists?

Asked at Massachusetts Street on August 16, 2008

“I think there is. The truth is always stranger than fiction, because fiction is bound by reality. I like to think that kind of stuff is at least possible.”

“I think the same possibility exists as finding Al Capone's millions, Jimmy Hoffa's body and the chupucabra.”

“I think there's a possibility. As a Christian, I believe that the world was created in seven days by a spirit. So we can never really know until we see it for ourselves.”

“I don't think so. I'm pretty sure if it existed, they would have found it by now. I'd be more inclined to believe in something paranormal being found in the deep sea, because we can only explore such a small part of it. But something like that on land, I don't think it's possible.”