What was your prom like?

Asked at Borders, 700 N.H. on April 21, 2008

“I loved it. It was super. I had a great princess dress that was pink and puffy. Afterwards there was a post-prom, where my parents were chaperones. That was interesting. And the next day I was on the front page of the paper.”

“Actually, a lot of my friends didn't want to go, so we all ended up having our own celebration. We all went out to eat and then got together with all of our other friends who didn't go to party.”

“It was at a hotel in downtown St. Louis. We ate dinner there before the dance, but it was a pretty typical prom. My friends and I rented a room at the hotel to party afterwards so we wouldn't have to drive around.”

“It was interesting. The dance certainly wasn't the best part. The post-prom was sweet, though. It's always the part after the formal prom that's the best, when you can relax and hang out with all of your friends.”