What can students do to help out on Earth Day?

Asked at West Junior High School on April 15, 2008

“We can make sure that we don't litter at all, recycle everything that we can and actually pay attention in science class when the teacher is talking about global warming.”

“Help clean up trash around parks and help plant flowers and trees.”

“Volunteer to help clean up the highways.”

“We can help out on Earth Day by organizing our recycling efforts and helping to clean up our cities' green spaces.”

“Clean up trash and don't litter, volunteer to do some community service, and help make the Earth a cleaner place.”

“We can go buy flowers, plants and trees to plant, or we could all ride our bikes to school that week.”

“Recycle, turn off lights, try not to waste water, and walk, ride a bike or take the bus.”

“We can try to spread some knowledge about global warming by talking to people or handing out information.”