What are you reading?

“Right now I'm reading 'Warlock,' by Oakley Hall. It's a western that throws together all these characters and outlaws from the wild west into one town. It's pretty bizarre, but I like it.”

“'Who's Your City?,' by Richard Florida. He's a guy who wrote about the 'creative class,' and this book is an extension of that theory. It's about where the creative class is located throughout the world and the implications that has.”

“I'm reading a book called 'Collapse,' by Jared Diamond. It's about the rise and fall of past societies from an ecocentric standpoint and what that can tell us about our own.”

“Awhile back, I found a copy of 'The Stranger,' by Albert Camus, outside of US Bank that I've been reading. I'd really like to thank whoever left it there.”

“I just finished 'Strangers in Death,' by J.D. Robb. It's a futuristic murder mystery about a reoccurring main character that he writes about. It's very 'CSI.'”