Do you think young people are becoming too self-absorbed?

Asked at West Junior High School on September 04, 2007

“Yes. People think about themselves way too much and aren't that concerned about others. They just want to do what they want to do without respect for anyone else.”

“Probably some. It's sort of all about me right now with the computer and other things. They don't spend a lot of time focusing on other people.”

“Yes, because my sister spends too much time taking pictures of herself to post on her Facebook and MySpace.”

“It's possible. A lot of people I know don't pay much attention to anything else, but others do. So it goes both ways.”

“I think there is still a lot of concern for others. I don't think the majority is too self-absorbed.”

“I do think so a little bit, but I think it has a lot to do with our environment.”

“Well, yes and no. But I think there are probably more who are too self-absorbed than those who aren't.”

“Yes. I think they are too self-absorbed and a bit more rebellious than they need to be.”