Do you have a tattoo, and if so, what inspired it?

Asked at Massachusetts Street on September 04, 2007

“I have a bunch of them. This is my favorite one; it's a pirate ship. (It was inspired by) pirate life for years, traveling.”

“I have six of them. The first one I got is the flower, the purple flower in the middle of my back. On the one side it has the runic symbol for growth, and on the other side is the sign for Aquarius. I like violets. It was a favorite flower. And it was like a rite of passage kind of thing because I had just moved out of my hometown and went to college in San Francisco.”

“It's a tribal tattoo with a shamrock in it. I am Irish.”

“(It's a) dream catcher. (It was inspired by the) end of a long relationship.”