What efforts do you make to recycle?

“My mom's a big recycler. We don't throw away anything that you can recycle at all. She even recycles clothes.”

“We pretty much recycle everything; all of our cardboard, plastics, soda cans, and we compost our organic trash.”

“Our family cares a lot about recycling and helping the environment. We always recycle our newspapers, cans and plastics at the recycling center.”

“We recycle cans, plastic, cardboard and pretty much whatever else they take at Wal-Mart.”

“If I'm in the mood and there's stuff to work with, I try to make something out of the stuff we throw away. But I don't really do any traditional recycling.”

“I just take stuff to Wal-Mart. Mostly plastic and glass.”

“We have like five recycling bins for stuff like cans, plastic and glass bottles.”

“My family tries to recycle anything we can.”