Do you like the choice of Drew Carey as the new host of “The Price Is Right”?

Asked at Massachusetts Street on July 30, 2007

“No. 'The Price Is Right' seems like more of a classic. I think by adding Drew Carey it takes that away and makes it less special.”

“For me it can never be the same. I like Drew Carey, but I think anyone they put in there pales in comparison.”

“It's better than Rosie O'Donnell for sure. Bob's a classic, and Drew definitely has a different personality, but I think he'll do OK.”

“I think Drew Carey is an OK choice. I think he can host the show, but I don't think he'll have quite the following Bob Barker did. I don't think he'll inspire the same excitement from the fans; but as long as they keep Plinko and the Showcase Showdown, they'll be all right.”