What do you think of Barack Obama as a presidential candidate?

Asked at Massachusetts Street on January 17, 2007

“I think he has a lot of charisma and he's a good politician - knowing when to keep his mouth shut. I like that he's young and he has a lot of enthusiasm. Hopefully he doesn't have to hitch his cart to Hillary's horse.”

“I would really love it if he became president, but I don't know if he's old enough to win. I'm from Chicago, so I'm actually a big fan of his.”

“I think he will be a good candidate in the future. I think a vice-presidential nomination would be best for him. I think he needs more experience, but I appreciate his values and intelligence.”

“I think that he's an unknown and that he's kind of a celebrity in politics right now. What's behind it? I don't know, but I'd be willing to wait and see.”