What do you think about the proposed increase of U.S. troops in Iraq?

Asked at Massachusetts Street on January 11, 2007

“I haven't heard a lot about the whole plan. I've heard about the 21,500 troops, but I would like to know more about it.”

“The president hasn't done a single thing right so far, and I don't think he's going to start now. I think the whole situation is a travesty. I'm embarrassed and horrified. I feel like I have to apologize when I talk to my family overseas.”

“I feel like the Democrats should be able to shoot that down, but I'm not sure that is possible at this point in time.”

“I don't agree with it at all. I know they said it's going to get the job done faster, but if that's the case then they should have done it earlier. I think it's a horrible solution.”