Do you get stage fright or fear public speaking?

Asked at Southwest Junior High School on February 27, 2007

“No. I'm in Model U.N. and like acting, so I get used to it.”

“Yes, I do. I'm very uncomfortable when I'm up on stage. I even start to shake.”

“Yes, because there are so many people and they're all looking at me. It's like they're all depending on me.”

“Yes. It's just a lot of people. They're just focused on you and that's all.”

“I would say no, because I'm not really scared of speaking in front of anybody unless it's my mom.”

“No, because I'm in band and I'm used to performing in front of a lot of people.”

“No. I don't look at anyone in the crowd in particular. I just stare out and don't care what they think.”

“Not really. It's not that hard. When you think about it, it's never all that many people. It helps if you practice in front of someone you know and trust or only look at people you know in the audience.”