Do you agree with Paul Morrison’s decision to resign?

Asked at Massachusetts Street on December 15, 2007

“I think stepping down is somewhat an admission of guilt. If he could have proven that it didn't affect his professional judgment or decisions, then I don't think he would have any reason to. His personal and professional life should remain separate.”

“I think if a man in his position resigns that quickly, it makes him look guilty. I think he should have endured the investigation if he wanted to clear his name. He has a right to due process just like anybody else.”

“I think that as attorney general, he's held to a higher standard than other public figures. So even the allegations of misconduct can make it difficult for him to do his job effectively. I really don't care about his personal life. It's the other allegations that I find troubling.”

“I think it's his decision whether that is the right thing to do. I do think there was certainly some dishonesty involved. I don't know if it prohibited him from doing his job, but I think he's lost the public's trust.”