What kind of lunch do you eat at school?

“If I'm hungry enough, I eat the school lunch. Hopefully, I remember to bring one.”

“I always eat the school lunch. I'll get some extra cookies if they have them.”

“Our lunches are catered. It's always good food, but it seems like we always have chicken.”

“I eat the school lunch. I usually buy extra cookies and chips, but sometimes I'll eat the salad bar.”

“Primarily Uncrustables and skim milk. It's a great lunch, and it's so flavorful.”

“I usually go out to eat at Chipotle or Subway.”

“We can either have the salad bar, the main dish or both. We usually just have water to drink. Then we have desert at the end. We have pizza delivered on Fridays, but we have to pay $2 a slice to support the sophomore class.”

“I usually just have peanut butter and jelly or the salad bar. I'm a vegetarian, so it's kind of hard to eat anything else at school.”