Are you bothered by panhandling in downtown Lawrence?

Asked at Massachusetts Street on August 08, 2007

“No, it doesn't bother me. In fact I see it as a way to donate money directly to those who need it and avoid the overhead involved with most charities.”

“Honestly, yeah, I'm kind of annoyed by it. But I don't think there needs to be any law against it. It never gets out of hand, and I don't ever feel threatened. I think they know where the line is.”

“It doesn't bother me in that it makes me mad; it bothers me in that I feel sad that I can't do more to help the poor here in Lawrence and throughout the world.”

“Sometimes. I think most people are bothered by it. It's kind of a hassle. I don't mind the street performers at all, it's the people who are making up some story about why they need the money. I just don't like being lied to.”