Have you ever cheated or helped someone cheat in school?

Asked at Borders, 700 N.H. on April 28, 2007

“Not really. I may have glanced at someone's paper or asked someone what answer they got, but I've never written the answer on my shoe or the bill of my cap.”

“Yes. In my archeology class we had these online quizzes, and we would take turns being the first one to take them. We would all help the person taking it get the right answers.”

“If I have, it's too far back to remember. If I ever helped anyone, it was giving them an answer to a study guide, which we were never really told not to do.”

“Yes, I have. Not on a test though. It was on my homework, and I got in big trouble for it. We had four people who all did a quarter of the homework and shared the answers.”