Do you think Republicans are losing ground in Kansas?

Asked at Massachusetts Street on October 21, 2006

“Yes. Judging by their appearances in the media, it would seem so.”

“I think so. Especially from the news I heard on NPR about Carla Stovall giving her support to Morrison rather than Kline. I think Governor Sebelius will win again pretty easily, and I think that Nancy Boyda has a pretty good chance against Jim Ryun.”

“I think it's definitely a possibility in light of recent developments with Kline and Morrison. We have Republicans switching parties because of intolerance within the party. It's a battle between the moderate and far right.”

“I think they are losing ground in a way, but it's just getting back to the balance we've historically had in Kansas. I think it's the religious right that's losing ground. The Democrats and Republicans are both tired of them.”