How interested are you in the election results?

“I don't really know too much about it. I want Sebelius to continue as governor and I want Barbara Ballard to win.”

“I'm interested enough to vote, but I don't think I've done the proper research yet. So I'm going to spend some time looking at the individual candidates.”

“I'm really not interested at all to tell you the truth. I've seen a lot of signs and heard a lot about it. But I can't vote, so it doesn't mean much to me.”

“Pretty interested. I have an opinion on the issues and candidates who I want to win. I wish I was old enough to vote.”

“I'm very interested, mainly in the congressional race. I'm wondering if it's possible for the Democrats to win enough seats to have the majority.”

“I've seen a lot of negative commercials for it. I know Kathleen Sebelius, so I hope she wins, but other than that I haven't been paying much attention.”

“I'm moderately interested, because it will determine how Kansas will be run. I would be much more interested if I could vote though.”

“I would say not that interested. None of the issues involved really effect me at this time.”