Do your parents monitor your Internet use?

“No. I don't get on the Internet much - only at school when my teachers give me an assignment to do.”

“No, they don't, but I'm not on the computer all that much.”

“No. I usually just play games on the Internet. I don't think they're too worried about it.”

“Sometimes, but not usually. They've talked to me about it, though.”

“Not really. They tell me not to go to inappropriate sites. They trust me.”

“No. I let them watch what I'm doing if they want to. It doesn't matter to me.”

“Sometimes. My mom's kind of on and off about it. She knows what kind of trouble kids can get into, so she has her friend update the blocking software.”

“Yes, when I use it at home. They have a program that takes pictures of what's on the screen, but I'm not really sure how it works.”