How concerned are you about the escalating violence in the Middle East?

Asked at Massachusetts Street on July 18, 2006

“I think this has huge ramifications for the whole world. I think it plays into the Bush administration's strategy in regards to the axis of evil and their desire to invade Syria and Iran all under the guise of supporting Israel.”

“I'm very concerned, because I think it gives our government an excuse to be where we are and to prolong our occupation there.”

“Since it's been going on for so long, I think a lot of people, including myself, are desensitized to it. I'm concerned, but no more so than before the recent violence.”

“I'm very concerned and wish more people were, but I've been concerned for a long time. I wish people were in as perpetual a state of concern and action as the Middle East is in a perpetual state of conflict and violence.”