How do you feel about Bush’s inauguration?

Asked at Around Lawrence on January 21, 2005

“The celebration seems really expensive. I heard they brought in a ton of meat for the thing. I can't imagine it all being eaten. So I'm wondering what they're going to do with it? Are they going to wrestle in it?”

“This is not a big deal to me. Nothing is going to change except that nothing is getting cheaper. Everything is more expensive.”

“The inauguration is a celebration of democracy and it shows we as a country support democracy. I support President Bush on his second term. I think he's done everything he could with the obstacles in his way. You can't please everyone.”

“I'm feeling kind of indifferent toward this whole thing. I'm trying to be respectful of President Bush's office. But I'm not especially happy about the event.”

“I think Bush is a war criminal and should be prosecuted for war crimes for what he's done. Other countries aren't allowed to just invade a country.”

“I feel like Bush spend too much money on the event, which is absolutely ridiculous given that it goes against his conservative values. I'm not spending any money today. I also was upset about the discrepancy of the votes in Ohio. As an American, I feel it's important that every vote count and if we don't fight for that it will be taken away from us.”