What do you think of St. Mary’s Academy’s refusal to play White City because White City has a girl on the football team?
Asked at Johnny’s Tavern, 401 N. Second St. on September 23, 2004

“I think that if a girl wants to play male-dominated sports, then they should set up two different teams.”
— Alysse Doane, waitress, McLouth

“I think that if a girl wants to play, and her team supports her, then she should be able to play. I think White City should win the game by forfeit.”
— Richie Kennedy, information technology intern, Lawrence

“I think that people in Lawrence need to focus on our own youth programs, and try to make our own sports teams more fair.”
— Craig Hoffman, carpenter, Lawrence

“If a girl is on the football team, then she can probably hold her own or she will quit playing. It shouldn't be up to St. Mary's.”
— Brad Dauler, research scientist, Lawrence