A KU program to train future professionals in the field of national security is growing, and particularly will increase its focus on China.
The University of Kansas’ Intelligence Community Center for Academic Excellence has received $300,000 in new federal funding for the upcoming school ...
TOPEKA — Gov. Laura Kelly said state government tax revenues in August were nearly $23 million above projections, reflecting collections of personal income tax and retail sales tax greater than last year's.
Kelly, a Topeka Democrat, said total state revenue for the month hit $665 million, ...
Topeka — Kansas Republicans pressing to reform the Legislature’s annual budget-writing process want to displace governors from the lead role in proposing state spending changes, alter a Statehouse culture that embraced the three-day workweek, and make it difficult for lobbyists to slip ...
Gov. Laura Kelly on Wednesday in Olathe ceremonially signed the bipartisan tax cuts package that became law earlier this summer.
“Kansans can expect to see meaningful tax cuts and can rest assured they will not threaten our ability to continue fully funding essential services,” Kelly ...
Last April, the Kansas Legislature approved a bill making it a crime to coerce another person to have an abortion. Critics said it would be a redundant law that could intimidate reproductive health care providers. Democratic Gov. Laura Kelly vetoed the bill, a move that would kill many pieces ...
A new law regulating contract for deed home sales is now in effect in Kansas.
Contracts for deed allow a homebuyer to make monthly payments directly to a seller instead of to a bank, with the expectation that the home’s title will be transferred to the buyer once all installments are ...