Letter to the editor: Flawed tax policy

To the editor:

Your Feb. 12 editorial favoring city commissioners’ “good judgment in awaiting [tax] incentives” over a change in current policy is, unfortunately, as flawed as the current policy which, according to the Journal-World on Feb. 11 was rewritten a year ago by the commission. The new, tougher policy requires “development groups applying for tax breaks to disclose all partners in the project and whether they are involved with a property within the state that owes back … taxes, special assessments or other debts.” Within the state? That might work if we also include developers “involved with” a property in Ohio or Lower Slobovia because they should undergo at least as close an examination as a Kansan. And that is in the policy which needs to be made promptly (as perhaps do “other debts” and “involved with a property” if those terms are actually used in the policy).