Letter to the editor: U.S. needs unity

To the editor:

Our country was founded as a Christian country, and the closer we get back to that original belief, the better off we will be at becoming one nation, under God. I applaud the president’s siding with people saluting the flag of the United States. If you live here, you should too. The majority of people voted for Trump because they wanted change. This country needs change — change towards a unity that has not been around for many years. I believe in God, and our country has traveled far from the beginnings of its history. We need to learn to listen to each other and not be so darn selfish in ideas. Blame is everywhere. We need to move on and find possibilities and solutions to our problems. Though we may not always agree with Trump, we should listen.

We need to learn from past mistakes, and move on to better communicate within our country and all of its politics. Sometimes, I believe, the government acts like little children — throwing a temper tantrum because certain people do not get their own way.

Wake up America! Do not forget our beginnings. We were founded on trust in God. If you do not want to live here, that is your choice. Our history should not be torn down just because it was confrontational. It is the none the less a part of this country’s past, and how we got to be where we are today. We need to unite. Let’s try!