Fix-It Chick: Some tips for repairing a squeaky floor

When it comes to older homes, one thing is guaranteed: Over time, things shift and at some point wood-framed floors are going to start squeaking. To some, these little squeaks can be endearing, but if the squeaks become loud enough to startle occupants and guests, it might be time to take action.

Step 1: Identify the problem. Wood floors have two layers, the floor boards, which can be seen from above and the subflooring which lies beneath. Squeaks are most often caused by either the floor boards rubbing against each other or the subfloor pulling away from the joist.

Step 2: If the floor boards are rubbing against each other, sweep some powdered graphite into the cracks. Step on the floor to work the graphite down into the cracks. This should stop the squeak, albeit, temporarily. To permanently fix the squeak, drive two spiral flooring nails or, better yet, two trim head screws, down through the floor boards and into the subfloor at opposing 45 degree angles. Pre-drill the nail or screw holes to prevent the wood from splitting. Use a nail set or counter sink drill bit to assure the heads are beneath the floor surface. Once done, fill the holes with colored wood putty.

Step 3: If there is access to the subfloor and joist beneath the wood flooring, pinpoint the spot where the subfloor has pulled away from the joist by watching the underside of the floor while someone walks on the problem area above.

Step 4: Once the spot is located, use a 2-by-4 piece of lumber at least 20 inches long to brace the subfloor along the problematic joist. Place the board flat against the joist in such a manner that the board extends 10 inches to either side of the squeaky spot and the 2-inch wide part of the board butts up against the subfloor. Use a longer 2-by-4 to wedge the brace up tight against the subfloor and secure the brace to the joist with at least six screws.

Step 5: Remove the longer 2-by-4 and continue the above process, securing braces to the joists, until all the squeaks are silenced or until it becomes apparent that the remaining squeaks are a necessary and endearing feature of the home.

— Have a question? Email Linda Cottin at