Seat belt fines to triple starting Saturday

People driving in Kansas during the upcoming holiday weekend are being reminded that fines for failure to wear a seat belt will triple to $30 starting Saturday, July 1.

That’s the result of a bill that Kansas lawmakers passed this session dealing with several motor vehicle issues.

Kansas law allows police officers to stop and ticket the driver of any passenger vehicle if either the driver or front-seat passenger is observed not wearing a seat belt.

Under the new law, any person age 18 or over in a passenger vehicle who is required to wear a seat belt but who is not wearing one can be fined $30 instead of the previous $10.

Of the $30 fine, $20 will be earmarked for a special fund to expand a student-led educational program called “Seat belts Are For Everyone,” or SAFE, making that program available in every high school in Kansas.

The bill was strongly supported by AAA Kansas, which said it hopes the higher fine will encourage seat-belt use.