Letter to the editor: Idiotic legislation

To the editor:

When our feckless State Legislature was finally, finally able to pass a new budget bill, I began to think that this not-so-august body was beginning to move out of the 19th century into the pre-World War I 20th century.

Then I see the latest anti-abortion bill they just passed. Now required: the doctor’s credentials, malpractice insurance, hospital privileges and disciplinary record. This idiotic bill also requires the treating clinic to provide the doctor’s age and medical school. All of this must be in 12-point font, Times New Roman.

I don’t know about you, but in the two significant surgeries I have had, I didn’t feel frightened because I was not informed of the physician’s age, and the font used in any written communications did not send off any warning bells.

What is wrong with these people? Do they not have something better to do, like perhaps trying to drag Kansas out of the financial and moral ditch caused by their recent crazy actions?

Back to the 19th century we go.