Letter to the editor: Academic interest

To the editor:

Bravo, Sara Shepherd and Lawrence Journal-World editors! When I flipped open the morning paper recently, I was greeted by the smiling face of a young scholar, Megan Jones, and the story of how she was being lauded nationally. I’m sure that I am not alone in saying that I really enjoy reading about academic achievements and would love to read much more about many others.

Some may not realize it, but there are more than 40,000 students in Lawrence. Counting KU, Haskell and the Lawrence school district employees, well over half of Lawrence’s 90,000-plus inhabitants are directly involved in some way in our city’s No. 1 endeavor: academics. So although there are many events that grab “average” readers in “average” municipalities (political/budget disasters, scandals, game scores, gore, etc.), many of us who are part of this academic enterprise are instead riveted by stories describing cool research, awesome courses and the academic awards won by students, scholars and educators.

There are so many brainy things going on in our schools and on campus that this intellectually aware, socially responsible, forward-thinking public would love to find out about. From bamboo bicycles to flying dinosaurs to international exchanges, new drugs and space ships, we have a lot to be proud of. I for one look forward to reading more about all of them. So keep those great stories coming, Sara/LJW!