Letter to the editor: Cadillacs and crisis

To the editor:

Whenever I need a ride I’m not looking to see if it’s the latest Cadillac. I learned as a youth from my aunt, “Anything on wheels beats anything on heels!” She taught me that a vehicle’s intended purpose is simply to take me to my desired destination. Our friends and loved ones who have mental health challenges understand this lesson. They are not asking for a Cadillac type building with all the fixings. They want a ride that gets them from point A to B. From crisis to stabilization. From intoxicated to sober. From hurting to whole.

My questions are, “Why do our current County Commission, City Commission and hospital administrators drag their feet in creating a mental health crisis prevention center, a center that our community desperately needs? Why are we letting our favorite architects convince us to get a Cadillac? What is our fixation with newer buildings? Why are we afraid to refurbish?” I’m not against finer items but we should spend more on services and highly qualified and dedicated employees rather than larger buildings and ongoing maintenance.

Serving people should be our priority. A mental health crisis prevention center will meet a great need in our community. Our community doesn’t need another Cadillac building. We do need community leaders to work together to create a crisis prevention center that will move our community from point A to B. Here’s to getting off our heels and finding some affordable wheels. It’s time to get moving.