Volunteer opportunities: Help with holiday dinner

Agency: The Salvation Army

Contact: Jim Evers at jim_evers@salvationarmy.org or 785-764-0962

The Salvation Army is looking for volunteers to assist with the community holiday dinner. Volunteers are needed for setup, prep, serving and cleanup of the holiday dinner for two shifts, 9 a.m.-noon or noon-4 p.m. on Wednesday at 946 New Hampshire St. For more information, contact Jim Evers at jim_evers@salvationarmy.org or call 785-764-0962.

Help share toys

Douglas County Toys for Tots needs volunteers, especially those who are bilingual, to assist with the Christmas Toy Shop during the month of December. Donations of new, unwrapped toys and/or money to purchase toys for children in Douglas County are also needed. Toys for Tots often helps families unable to qualify for help from other agencies. Donations can be dropped off at 1501 Kasold Drive. Please call Mary Jones at 785-766-3023 or email at maryjones@askmcgrew.com, to volunteer or for more information.

Distribute coats

The Salvation Army needs volunteers to assist with the Share the Warmth coat distribution, running from 12:30-4 p.m. weekdays (excluding Wednesdays) Nov. 30 through Dec. 22. Distribution of coats takes place at 946 New Hampshire St. Four volunteers are needed each day, so sign up individually or as a group. Please contact Jim Evers for more information.

Help area agencies

Many agencies are looking for volunteers to participate in their holiday gifting/adoption programs. Following are some of the community agencies that count on volunteers to help make the holidays brighter for our neighbors.

• The Salvation Army Adopt a Family: 785-843-4188

• Lawrence Meals on Wheels Angel Tree: 785-830-8844

• Toys for Tots: 785-766-3023

• Senior Resource Center of Douglas County Adopt a Senior: 785-842-0543

• The Villages Adopt a Youth: 785-267-5900, ext. 101

• Family Promise Adopt a Family: 785-764-9506

• Penn House Adopt a Family: 785-842-0440

• Douglas County CASA Christmas Stockings for Kids: 785-832-5172

• ECKAN Adopt a Family: 785-841-3357

• TFI Family Services Adopt a Foster Child: swilhelm@tfifamily.org

• The Willow Holiday Store: 785-331-2034, ext. 105

Be a Big

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Douglas County provides one-to-one relationships for children facing adversity.

Are you looking to make a difference in the life of a young boy or girl in our community? For a few hours, a couple times a month, you can give a “Little” the invaluable gift of your friendship. If you have a few hours to be a volunteer, this is your opportunity to make a difference in the life of a youngster. For more information, please contact Mark Gordy at 785-843-7359.

For a comprehensive list of holiday-related volunteer opportunities, adopt programs and donations needed, please go to volunteerdouglascounty.org and click on “How to Help for the Holidays.”

— For more volunteer opportunities, please contact Shelly Hornbaker at the United Way Roger Hill Volunteer Center at 843-6626, ext. 301; at volunteer@unitedwaydgco.org; or go to volunteerdouglascounty.org.