Fix-It Chick: Control flies before you get an infestation

Setting traps, repairing window screens and discarding food can help you avoid a fly infestation.

It takes less than seven days for a fly to go from egg to pupa to fly and although flies only live between 15 and 30 days, they can lay up to 500 eggs in a lifetime. Controlling flies is best done before an infestation occurs.

Step 1: Eliminate the food source as much as possible. Keep garbage, pet waste and other decomposing organic materials away from the home and stored in an airtight container with a lid. Rinse trash cans regularly. Turn compost piles often and avoid over-watering house plants. Dispose of rotting fruit, keep food covered and wipe floors, counter tops and cupboards with a mild cleaner on a regular basis.

Step 2: Keep flies from entering the home by repairing broken screens. Seal cracks around windows, doors and loose-fitting screens with weather stripping or caulk. Install door closers to keep screen doors tightly shut.

Step 3: Reduce the fly population outdoors with a pheromone-scented fly trap. Each one of these smelly little bags filled with water and attractant can trap and kill hundreds of flies. Hang bags near trash receptacles and other areas where flies congregate. Once the bag becomes full, dispose of it properly and replace it with a new one until the problem is under control.

Step 4:
Use sticky fly paper inside and out to catch flies and other insects. Hang the paper out of the way to keep it from sticking to unwanted targets, such as pets and people. Look for clear fly paper strips that stick directly to glass windows. These barely visible traps do a great job of catching flies where they tend to hang out the most.

Step 5: Flying insect spray can be used to knock down a few insects at a time, but a fly swatter is often just as effective. Bug bombs and foggers can also be used to eliminate large amounts of insects in a short period of time. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully.

Step 6: For bad infestations and problematic areas such as dumpsters, livestock barns and chicken coops, use a highly toxic fly bait such as Starbar’s Golden Malrin. Follow the manufacturer’s warnings and handle with extreme care. Place a small amount of bait on a disposable tray. Flies are attracted instantly and killed within seconds after ingesting the bait. Dispose of unused product properly.

— Have a home improvement question for Fix-It Chick? Email it to Linda Cottin at