Letter to the editor: Free State drama

Lawrence Journal-World opinion section

To the editor:

Congratulations to Free State High School drama teacher Nancee Beilgard and her student Ethan Anderson (and all drama students, one presumes) for standing their ground against an arbitrary and ill-conceived decision by FSHS administrators (ratified by the district superintendent of schools) to undermine the drama program by evicting them from the black box theater and allowing for the desecration of a space sacred to a key component of the school system’s arts program.

If any harm comes to them for speaking their minds I hope they organize a public, citywide protest demonstration. I will be happy to join them.

What sort of message does the administration’s decision convey to some of the creatively brightest and best of Lawrence’s high school students? To an entire enlightened community that places a high priority on nurturing the arts?  

Historically this type of action is called “philistine.”

Most egregiously, the superintendent explains his decision in pure bureaucratic mumbo jumbo. If FSHS space is in short supply why not free up a room currently used to teach students how to behave, a task usually left to parents. 

FSHS (and LHS) students are regularly accepted into the country’s finest universities and colleges. Many of them go on to illustrious careers in science, jurisprudence, business, sports, teaching and (yes) the arts, including drama. 

No matter how tight public school budgets have become owing to the nihilistic policies of our governor and legislative majority, one of the last resorts should be squeezing the drama program.