Letter to the editor: Budget courage

Lawrence Journal-World opinion section

To the editor:

I read with amazement that 12 Democrats, including our own Rep. John Wilson from Lawrence, voted to continue the demented “Race to Zero” tax schemes of Gov. Brownback. Wilson’s reasoning was “…it’s not likely to go anywhere in the Senate, and certainly the governor’s not going to sign it.”

Talk about totally spineless logic!

Mr. Wilson, why on earth are you so frightened of the failed governor of the opposing party?  And why are you so concerned about what the Senate may or may not do? I thought we elected you to represent the best interests of our community and of our state. If you’re not man enough to do exactly that, you need to find another job where you won’t be so scared all the time. 

Kansas is dead broke. And our elected representatives, such as Wilson, don’t have to courage to address that huge and growing problem.