100 years ago: Landladies plan standardized rules for women’s boarding houses

From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for March 31, 1916:

  • “Uniform rules for all rooming houses occupied by women students of the University were planned at a meeting of landladies at Myers Hall yesterday afternoon. Such provisions as a regulation that all rooms be quiet for study after 8 o’clock, probably will be adopted. By having uniform rules, the landladies feel that they will do away with the complaint of discrimination…. The meeting was opened by a short talk by Chancellor Frank Strong, who emphasized that with no dormitories, the University must depend upon the co-operation of the landladies in helping the women students.”
  • “‘Resolved: That the Federal government should own and operate the telephone and telegraph systems of the country.’ This will be the question which high schools of the Kansas debating league will argue during the school year of 1916-7, according to an announcement made today by F. R. Hamilton, director of the Kansas university extension division. The telegraph and telegraph question was chosen tentatively at a meeting of league officials at Lawrence…. Teams competing for state debating honors usually number about fifty. This year the question being argued is whether the United States should abandon the Monroe doctrine.”
  • “The establishment of a county farm bureau will be the leading topic at the business session of the county Farmers Institute which will start at 10:30 o’clock in the rooms of the Merchants and Farmers Association Saturday morning. Because of the fact that this important departure will be considered, the officers of the institute hope there will be a large attendance at the meeting. In connection with the bureau if it is instituted, a county farm agent will be employed, and the bureau will be conducted in the same fashion as the bureaus in other counties.”
  • “The Ornithology Club of Lawrence completed its organization last night with about thirty charter members…. The club will take immediate steps to try to have the city parks made more attractive for bird residents, by the planting of shrubbery, building of bird houses, and other means. The club will cooperate with the schools in the interests of bird study, and attention will be given also to general education in bird study in the community.”