100 years ago: Former Douglas County man regrets purchase of Colorado farm

From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for March 30, 1916:

  • “Frank W. Broers, who sold his Douglas county farm and bought a farm in Colorado where he is expected to engage in raising potatoes, is rather of the opinion that a mistake was made when he parted with his Douglas county property, according to a suit filed in the district court. Strongly under the belief that false representation has been made him concerning a farm which he purchased in Pueblo county, Colorado, Frank W. Broers today filed suit in district court against the Pueblo Land and Irrigation company…. The petition filed tells of the alleged mis-representations which are characterized as ‘false, fraudulent and untrue.’ Mr. Broers asserts that representations were made to him by Charles Sutton that the Colorado land was fertile and soil exceptionally rich…. The petition tells of an attempt made last year by the owner to raise a crop, but on account of the alkali soil and the lack of water the attempt proved a failure.”
  • “C. A. Johnson, associate professor of electrical engineering, has resigned his position at the University of Kansas to become general engineer of the Westinghouse Electrical and Manufacturing company at East Pittsburgh, Pa…. Professor Johnson is now in his eighth year as a member of the University of Kansas faculty, and his work in the department of electrical engineering has been of a sort to attract the attention of electricians over the country. Particularly meritorious was the work he did at Panama in the summer of 1913. He was called by the federal government to a position in which he fitted out the electrical installation in the shops at Panama. This was a big piece of work and it was accomplished in a manner that established Professor Johnson’s reputation as an electrical engineer of great ability.”
  • “Hope that the miserable shower bath facilities at Robinson gymnasium may be remedied, was expressed today following the announcement of James Naismith, head of the department of physical education, that the budget for the coming year which will be presented to the board of administration, will include provision for a new set of showers. In addition there is a request for money to provide ten handball courts in the gymnasium, a one hundred yard straightaway for the track team and apparatus that will insure a more sanitary swimming pool.”
  • “Fifty new trees will be planted on Mount Oread this spring as well as hundreds of shrubs. These are being put in under the supervision of W. C. Stevens, professor of botany at the University. During the past week, a force of men has been at work on the annual pruning of trees on the K. U. campus. In addition Professor Stevens has instructed the workers to ‘dress’ the wounds on the trees. This process is simple, consisting of putting on of a covering of cement to prevent fungi from making any ravages.”
  • “B. G. Gustafson returned yesterday from Kansas City where he had been attending the Jewelers’ Convention. He says he got a good many new ideas there and he will put them right into practice at his store at 911 Mass St. The Gustafson store is a progressive store and keeps up to date in every way.”