100 years ago: ‘Raw weather’ prevails on election day

From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for March 14, 1916:

  • “At 3 o’clock this afternoon a few more than 1,600 votes had been cast in the city primaries and water election in Lawrence. It was expected that a much heavier vote would be cast before the closing of the polls at 7 o’clock tonight. A pleasant day had been hoped for, but the raw weather prevailing would, it was feared, cut down the vote below what it would have been if the day had been of the sort desired. As far as could be learned today, the opposition to the water plant purchase was not much in evidence today and it was predicted that the proposition would carry by a large majority. In the early hours of the forenoon a number of men who had been opposing the purchase announced that all their objections had been answered and that they had cast their ballots for the proposition.”
  • “Although hampered by lack of funds, the Lawrence women who are engaging in European war relief work will continue their efforts to relieve as far as they are able the urgent need that exists for hospital dressings. From time to time stories from Europe that tell pointedly of that need arrive to encourage them to do their best with limited means…. Owing to the battles raging the hospitals are now filled with thousands of wounded men, and a call has recently come for an enormous quantity of gauze dressings, and the committee’s distributing bureaus are being taxed to their utmost capacity to meet the appalling need.”
  • “Governor Capper today issued a proclamation declaring the week of April 17 to 22 as ‘clean-up’ week in Kansas…. Every year towns in Kansas have ‘clean-up’ weeks it was pointed out and this year Fire Marshall Hussey wants the movement to be statewide. During the week civic clubs in all cities will be asked to take charge of the local activities which will tend to make the state able to cut down fire losses, it was stated.”
  • “The elm tree pests have an ally in the dry weather, Prof. S. J. Hunter says, and are starting a new offensive on the trees. The dry weather recently prevailing has dried up the ‘tanglefoot’ on the bands around the elm trees. The moths are still moving up the trees and the dried substance on the bands offers no bar to their progress. ‘If people want to preserve their trees from the ravages of the pest,’ said Professor Hunter today, ‘they should be sure that the sticky substance on the band is kept moist. The trees will not be out of danger until the upward movement of the moths ceases.'”
  • “The state utilities commission today granted the Kansas City, Kaw Valley and Western interurban road the right to use a part of the old bridge across the Kaw river to reach the south bank. The formal order has not been issued yet. It awaits the filing of final plans by the interurban with the commission.”